Published: 2023-04-25 11:51





イタリア人建築家のジュリア・フォスカリと、彼女が創設した非営利団体「UNLESS」によるプロジェクト「Antarctic Resolution」では、南極大陸多面的ひも解き保護するために、150人以上の専門家が研究に乗り出し、エッセイやインフォグラフィック、地図、建築図面などをまとめた1,000ページにも及ぶ出版物完成させた。


気候変動関連のプロジェクトが増えるなか、こうした分野横断する実践重要性ますます高まっているようだ。人類南極大陸築いてきた関係に対する問いかけ構成し、領域超え取り組んでいる点が「地球という惑星のエージェンシーとして人類集団的想像力育む」と評価され、17回ヴェネチア・ビエンナーレ国際建築展示されたほか、世界的なメディアアートの祭典「アルスエレクトロニカ」では社会にインパクトを与える革新的芸術プロジェクトに贈られるS+T+ARTS Prize大賞選ばれるなど、欧州中心さまざま芸術祭でアワードを受賞している。

また、この取り組み書籍化とどまらずインスタレーションも展開しており、さらには、すべての人が南極大陸情報にアクセスできるように「Antarctic Resolution Open Access」というかたちでプロジェクトを発展させている。


# 言葉 意味
5 なんきょくたいりく (南極大陸) : Antarctica
4 ちきゅう (地球) : Earth; the globe
4 じんるい (人類) : mankind; humanity
3 やく (約) : 1. approximately; about 2. promise; appointment; engagement
3 けんちく (建築) : construction; architecture (of buildings)
3 てき (的) : 1. -ical; -ive; -al; -ic; -y 2. -like; -ish; -sort of; -kind of
2 なんきょく (南極) : 1. South Pole 2. the Antarctic; Antarctica
2 ひょうしょう (氷床) : ice sheet
2 あたえる (与える) : 1. to give (esp. to someone of lower status); to bestow; to grant; to confer; to present; to award 2. to provide; to afford; to offer; to supply
2 げいじゅつ (芸術) : (fine) art; the arts
2 さまざま (様々) : various; varied; diverse; all sorts of
2 ぶんや (分野) : field; sphere; realm; division; branch
2 だい (第) : prefix for forming ordinal numbers
2 げんだい (現代) : nowadays; modern era; modern times; present-day
2 じゅうようせい (重要性) : importance; gravity
2 じっせん (実践) : 1. practice; putting into practice; implementation 2. praxis (philosophy)
1 りくち (陸地) : land
1 しめる (占める) : 1. to occupy; to hold 2. to account for; to make up; to take up
1 かかわる (関わる) : 1. to be affected; to be influenced 2. to be concerned with; to have to do with
1 わたしたち (私たち) : we; us
1 こじん (個人) : individual; private person; personal; private
1 がち (雅致) : artistry; good taste; elegance; grace
1 きょうゆうち (共有地) : public land; common
1 いえる (言える) : 1. to be possible to say; to be able to say 2. said; have said
1 がぞう (画像) : image; picture; portrait
1 はく (泊) : 1. counter for nights of a stay 2. overnight stay; lodging
1 ゆいいつ (唯一) : only; sole; unique
1 ごうか (豪華) : extravagant; lavish; opulent; luxurious; magnificent; splendid; fancy; gorgeous
1 たいりく (大陸) : 1. continent 2. continental Asia (esp. mainland China)
1 かがくてき (科学的) : scientific
1 たんすい (淡水) : fresh water (i.e. not salt water)
1 そうとう (相当) : 1. corresponding to (in meaning, function, etc.); being equivalent to 2. appropriate; suitable; befitting; proportionate
1 おおう (覆う) : to cover; to hide; to conceal; to wrap; to disguise
1 きちょう (貴重) : precious; valuable
1 しげん (資源) : resources
1 めぐる (巡る) : 1. to go around 2. to return
1 こくさいしゃかい (国際社会) : international community; international society; the world
1 そうだつせん (争奪戦) : contest; competition; struggle; scramble
1 くりひろげる (繰り広げる) : to unfold; to unroll; to open
1 いっぽう (一方) : 1. one (esp. of two); the other; one way; the other way; one direction; the other direction; one side; the other side; one party; the other party 2. on the one hand; on the other hand
1 じんいてき (人為的) : artificial; unnatural; human-caused (e.g. mistake, error, disaster); man-made
1 よういん (要因) : main cause; primary factor
1 ちきゅうおんだんか (地球温暖化) : global warming
1 ふんかん (分間) : minutes (period of)
1 ゆうかい (融解) : fusion; melting; liquefaction
1 きぐ (危惧) : apprehensions; misgivings; uneasiness; anxiety; fear
1 じょうきょう (状況) : state of affairs (around you); situation; circumstances
1 こおり (氷) : 1. ice 2. shaved ice (usually served with flavored simple syrup)
1 かんぜん (完全) : perfect; complete
1 とける (溶ける) : 1. to melt; to thaw; to fuse 2. to dissolve
1 かいめん (海面) : sea level; (surface of) sea
1 じょうしょう (上昇) : rising; ascending; climbing
1 もくげき (目撃) : witnessing; observing; sighting
1 いどう (移動) : 1. movement; transfer; migration; removal; travel 2. mobile; moving; traveling; travelling; roving
1 いう (言う) : 1. to say; to utter; to declare 2. to name; to call
1 イタリアじん (イタリア人) : Italian (person)
1 けんちくか (建築家) : architect
1 そうせつ (創設) : establishment; founding; organization; organisation
1 ひえいりだんたい (非営利団体) : nonprofit organization; nonprofit organisation
1 ためんてき (多面的) : multifaceted; versatile
1 ひも (紐) : 1. string; cord 2. man who is financially dependent on a woman; gigolo; pimp
1 とく (解く) : 1. to untie; to unfasten; to unwrap; to undo; to unbind; to unpack 2. to unsew; to unstitch
1 ほご (保護) : 1. protection; safeguard; guardianship; custody; patronage 2. preservation; conservation
1 せんもんか (専門家) : specialist; expert; professional; authority; pundit
1 のりだす (乗り出す) : 1. to set out; to set sail 2. to embark on (a new venture); to set out (to achieve something)
1 ずめん (図面) : drawing; diagram; plans; blueprint
1 まとめる (纏める) : 1. to collect; to put (it all) together; to integrate; to consolidate; to unify 2. to summarize; to aggregate
1 およぶ (及ぶ) : 1. to reach; to amount to; to befall; to happen to; to extend; to go on (for, until) 2. to be up to the task; to come up to
1 しゅっぱんぶつ (出版物) : publication
1 かんせい (完成) : 1. complete; completion 2. perfection; accomplishment
1 はっけん (発見) : discovery; detection; finding
1 きねん (記念) : commemoration; celebration; honoring the memory of something; turning something into a memento; memory
1 せいぶつ (生物) : 1. living thing; organism; creature; life 2. biology
1 かがく (化学) : chemistry
1 きこう (気候) : climate
1 こうがく (工学) : engineering
1 ぶつりゅう (物流) : physical distribution; distribution of goods; logistics
1 しゃかいがく (社会学) : sociology
1 しかく (視覚) : sense of sight; vision
1 かつやく (活躍) : 1. activity (esp. energetic); great efforts; conspicuous service 2. to flourish; to participate actively; to play an active role
1 けんきゅうしゃ (研究者) : researcher
1 ふくごう (複合) : composite; combined; complex
1 すすめる (進める) : 1. to advance; to move forward; to put (a clock, watch) forward 2. to carry forward (plans, work, etc.); to proceed with; to make progress in; to further; to advance; to hasten; to speed up
1 ちせいがく (地政学) : geopolitics
1 きょくげん (極限) : 1. utmost limits; extremity 2. limit
1 かんきょう (環境) : environment; circumstance
1 おく (奥) : inner part; inside; interior; depths (e.g. of a forest); back (of a house, drawer, etc.); bottom (e.g. of one's heart); recesses; heart
1 きょじゅう (居住) : residence; abode; dwelling
1 かのうせい (可能性) : potentiality; likelihood; possibility; availability
1 しょうてん (焦点) : focus (e.g. photographic); focal point
1 あてる (当てる) : 1. to hit 2. to expose
1 きこうへんどう (気候変動) : climate change
1 かんれん (関連) : relation; connection; relevance
1 い (異) : 1. difference (of opinion) 2. strange; odd; unusual
1 おうだん (横断) : 1. crossing; traversing 2. traversing horizontally; passing west to east (or east to west)
1 ますます (益々) : increasingly; more and more; decreasingly (when declining); less and less
1 たかまる (高まる) : to rise; to swell; to be promoted
1 きずく (築く) : 1. to build; to construct; to erect 2. to amass (e.g. fortune); to pile up
1 たいする (対する) : 1. to face (each other); to be facing 2. to be directed toward (the future, etc.); to be in response to; to be related to
1 といかけ (問いかけ) : query; interrogation; enquiry; question; inquiry
1 じく (軸) : 1. axis; shaft; axle 2. center; centre; focal point; key point
1 こうせい (構成) : composition; construction; formation; makeup; structure; organization; organisation
1 かく (各) : each; every; all
1 りょういき (領域) : area; domain; territory; field; range; region; regime
1 こえる (越える) : 1. to cross over; to cross; to pass through; to pass over (out of); to go beyond; to go past 2. to exceed; to surpass; to be more (than)
1 とりくむ (取り組む) : 1. to grapple with; to wrestle with; to engage in a bout; to be matched against 2. to tackle (e.g. a problem); to come to grips with; to work hard on
1 わくせい (惑星) : planet
1 しゅうだんてき (集団的) : collective; group
1 そうぞうりょく (想像力) : (power of) imagination
1 はぐくむ (育む) : 1. to raise; to bring up; to rear 2. to cultivate; to foster; to nurture
1 ひょうか (評価) : 1. valuation; appraisal; evaluation; assessment; estimation; rating; judging 2. appreciation; recognition; acknowledgement; rating highly; praising
1 てん (展) : exhibition; exhibit
1 てんじ (展示) : exhibition; display
1 せかいてき (世界的) : 1. worldwide; global; international; universal 2. world-famous; world-class
1 さいてん (祭典) : festival
1 かくしんてき (革新的) : 1. innovative 2. liberal; reformist; progressive
1 おくる (贈る) : 1. to give (as a gift); to present 2. to confer; to bestow; to award
1 しょう (賞) : prize; award
1 たいしょう (大賞) : big prize; first prize
1 えらぶ (選ぶ) : to choose; to select
1 おうしゅう (欧州) : Europe
1 ちゅうしん (中心) : 1. center; centre; middle; heart; core; focus; pivot; emphasis; balance 2. -centered; -centred; -focused; -oriented; centered on; focused on
1 げいじゅつさい (芸術祭) : art festival
1 じゅしょう (受賞) : winning (a prize)
1 とりくみ (取り組み) : 1. bout (in sports, etc.); match 2. effort; initiative; dealing with; grappling with; wrestling with
1 しょせきか (書籍化) : novelizing; novelising; adapting a movie, game, etc. into a book
1 とどまる (止まる) : 1. to remain; to abide; to stay (in the one place) 2. to be limited to; to be confined to; to only account for
1 てんかい (展開) : 1. development; evolution; progression; unfolding; (plot) twist 2. expansion; spreading out; extending; deployment; building up
1 さらに (更に) : furthermore; again; after all; more and more; moreover; even more
1 すべて (全て) : 1. everything; all; the whole 2. entirely; completely; wholly; all
1 じょうほう (情報) : 1. information; news; intelligence; advices 2. information; data contained in characters, signals, code, etc.
1 はってん (発展) : 1. development; growth; expansion; extension; flourishing 2. development (of a situation, story, etc.); advancement; progression; unfolding
1 とりまく (取り巻く) : to surround; to encircle; to enclose
1 かだい (課題) : 1. subject; theme; issue; matter 2. homework; assignment
1 たいしょ (対処) : dealing with; coping with
1 たじげん (多次元) : multidimensional
1 そうぞうてき (創造的) : creative
1 しこう (思考) : thought; consideration; thinking
1 もとめる (求める) : 1. to want; to wish for 2. to request; to demand; to require; to ask for
1 みらい (未来) : 1. the future (usually distant) 2. future tense
1 かたちづくる (形作る) : to form; to shape; to make; to mold; to mould; to build up